
Please read this disclaimer carefully before using the service operated by us.

Reely.site is a free online movie and TV show streaming website that allows users to watch content sourced from third parties. Reely.site does not upload, host, own or store any movies, TV shows or video content displayed on the site. All content is provided by external sources and streamed directly from third party servers.

Reely.site has no control over the content quality, availability, copyright, legality or validity of the third party material viewed via the site. Reely.site cannot be held responsible for any streaming content on the site, whether authorized or unauthorized. Users are responsible for verifying they have the legal right to view any streamed content.

The operators of Reely.site make no warranties or representations about the site or any of the content, and assume no liability for any costs, damages or losses from the use of the site. By using Reely.site, you agree that access is provided “as is” at your own risk.

Copyright Infringement:

Reely.site respects the intellectual property rights of others. Users are prohibited from using Reely.site to engage in copyright infringement or the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted content. Reely.site will promptly remove or disable access to any infringing content upon receipt of proper notification from the copyright holder.

No Endorsement:

The content accessible through Reely.site does not constitute an endorsement by the website operators of any third party content providers, services, or products. References and links to third party content are provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.

Age Restricted Content:

Reely.site does not knowingly collect or distribute content considered obscene or harmful to minors as defined by applicable law. However, Reely.site has no control over third party content and some material accessible through Reely.site may be inappropriate for minors. Parents are advised to supervise minors using the service.

No Warranties:

Reely.site provides access to third party content on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The website operators make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, currency, suitability, completeness, usefulness, safety or intellectual property rights related to any accessible content.

Limitation of Liability:

In no event shall Reely.site be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use, inability to use, or unavailability of the service or any content accessible on the site. Users agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Reely.site and its operators from any claims arising from use of the service.